The Done-For-You 12 Month Marketing Blueprint
​​​​​​​ For Your Private Practice​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​How would you like a proven formula to get more referrals for the next 12 months? Register now to get this copy-and-paste marketing blueprint.​​​

Click Register Now​​​​​​​

What we’ll cover in this event...

>  Take all the guesswork out of marketing your practice. Register now to get this proven, done-for-you marketing approach for every single month of the year, 12 months of the year.
>  Incredible Valentine's day promotions to get patients (and their family) barging into your practice.
>  An under-the-radar strategy to dramatically increase your physician referrals in the month of March (hint - did you know there is a 'National Doctors Day?')

  • The 'Made in America' campaign to build an army of referral sources from local business, and why it should be conducted in the month of June (I'm sure you know what the big holiday in July is, and we'll teach you how to become an overnight celebrity in your community with this incredible campaign)

  • The step-by-step strategy for the how, what and why August is the best month to increase referrals from seniors and Medicare patients (and how you can tie this strategy with local physicians and have them buzzing about your practice - this strategy alone will pay for the cost of the webinar training)

  • How to PRECISELY tie in Halloween, Thanksgiving and the New Year and the BIGGEST mistakes to avoid while marketing to patients during the holiday season

  • Nitin Chhoda PT, DPT

    Webinar Host

  • Cheryl House RMC, CHI

    Webinar Host

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